
Hromih Oksana Vladimirovna. Dolinnye geosystems Bottom Pritomja: structure and prirodno-anthropogenic dynamics . 2006

Dolinnye geosystems Bottom Pritomja: Structure and prirodno-anthropogenic dynamics: structure and prirodno-anthropogenic dynamics: dis.... kand. geogr. Sciences: 25.00.23 Tomsk, 2006 237 p. RSL OD, 61:07-11/20

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Other dissertations on discipline Physical geography and biogeography, geography of soils and geochemistry landscape:

  1. Zelepukina Elena Sergeevna. the Quantitative estimation of natural factors of spatial differentiation of geosystems of mountain hollows on an example of Ubsunursky cavity - 2008
    A quantitative estimation of natural factors of spatial differentiation of geosystems of mountain hollows on an example of Ubsunursky cavity: the dissertation... The candidate of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 / Zelepukina Elena Sergeevna; [a protection Place: S.-Peterb. gos. Un y]. St.-Petersburg, 2008.154 p.: silt. RSL OD, 61 09-11/56
  2. Linnik Vitaliy Grigorevich. Landscape differentiation technogenic radionuklidov: Geoinformation systems and their models - 2008
    Landscape differentiation technogenic radionuklidov: geoinformation systems and their models: the dissertation... Doctors of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 / Linnik Vitaly Grigorevich; [a protection Place: the Moscow state university]. - Moscow, 2008. - 216 p.: 89 silt.
  3. Sorokovoy Andrey Anatolevich. Landscape structure of the Baikal natural territory: the geoinformation analysis - 2008
    Landscape structure of the Baikal natural territory: the geoinformation analysis: The dissertation... The candidate of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 / the Fortieth Andrey Anatolevich; [a protection Place: In geographies of V.B.Sochavy of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science]. Irkutsk, 2008.196 p.: silt. RSL OD, 61 09-11/4
  4. Dishekov Mussa Muhadinovich. Landscapes of Karachaevo-Circassia in the conditions of modern changes of a climate - 2008
    Landscapes of Karachaevo-Circassia in the conditions of modern changes of a climate: the dissertation... The candidate of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 / Dyshekov Mousse Muhadinovich; [a protection Place: Stavrop. gos. Un y]. - Stavropol, 2008. - 145 p.: silt. RSL OD, 61:08-11/24
  5. Abdulaev Kasum Abdulaevich. Landscapes of mountain Dagestan and their modern condition - 2008
    Landscapes of mountain Dagestan and their modern condition: the dissertation... The candidate of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 / Abdulaev Kasum Abdulaevich; [a protection Place: Stavrop. gos. Un y]. - Stavropol, 2008. - 144 p.: silt. RSL OD, 61:08-11/6
  6. SHartova Natalyà Vitalevna. the Mediko-geographical estimation of the Moscow area - 2008
    A mediko-geographical estimation of the Moscow area: the dissertation... The candidate of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 / Shartova Natalia Vitalevna; [a protection Place: Mosk. gos. Un y of M.V.Lomonosova]. Moscow, 2008.154 p.: silt. RSL OD, 61 08-11/47
  7. Bespalova Elena Vladimirovna. the Modern condition of landscapes of nature protection territories suhostepnoj and a steppe zone: On a reserve example "Rostov" and "Razdorsky" - 2008
    A modern condition of landscapes of nature protection territories suhostepnoj and a steppe zone: on a reserve example "Rostov" and "Razdorsky": The dissertation... The candidate of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 / Bespalov Elena Vladimirovna; [a protection Place: Stavrop. gos. Un y]. - Stavropol, 2008. - 224 p.: silt. RSL OD, 61:08-11/11
  8. Pilev Evgeniy Anatolevich. Modern geochemical processes of accumulation and distribution of heavy metals in landscapes of Stavropol Territory - 2008
    Modern geochemical processes of accumulation and distribution of heavy metals in landscapes of Stavropol Territory: the dissertation... The candidate of geographical sciences: 25.00.23, 25.00.36 / Pylev Evgenie Anatolevich; [a protection Place: Stavrop. gos. Un y]. Stavropol, 2008.149 p.: silt. RSL OD, 61 09-11/53
  9. Dzhandubaeva Tatyàna Zurabovna. Modern changes of a climate and dynamics of steppe landscapes of the Western Ciscaucasia - 2008
    Modern changes of a climate and dynamics of steppe landscapes of the Western Ciscaucasia: the dissertation... The candidate of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 / Dzhandubaeva Tatyana Zurabovna; [a protection Place: Stavrop. gos. Un y]. Stavropol, 2008.150 p.: Silt. RSL OD, 61 08-11/7
  10. Mironova Elena Nikolaevna. The Rather-geographical analysis of vegetation of geosystems of Darhatsky, Hubsugulsky and Tunkinsky hollows - 2008
    The rather-geographical analysis of vegetation of geosystems of Darhatsky, Hubsugulsky and Tunkinsky hollows: the dissertation... The candidate of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 / Mironov Elena Nikolaevna; [a protection Place: In geographies of V.B.Sochavy of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science]. Irkutsk, 2008.155 p.: silt. RSL OD, 61 09-11/5
  11. Lyàshenko Ekaterina Aleksandrovna. the Territorial organisation of protection of landscapes in Stavropol Territory - 2008
    The territorial organisation of protection of landscapes in Stavropol Territory: the dissertation... The candidate of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 / Ljashenko Ekaterina Aleksandrovna; [a protection Place: Stavrop. gos. Un y]. - Stavropol, 2008. - 130 p.: silt. RSL OD, 61:08-11/10
  12. Lukin Vasiliy Vasilevich. Tukulany - typical landscapes of the Central Yakutia - 2008
    Tukulany - typical landscapes of the Central Yakutia: the dissertation... The candidate of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 / Lukin Vasily Vasilevich; [a protection Place: In geographies of V.B.Sochavy of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science]. Yakutsk, 2008.132 p.: silt. RSL OD, 61 09-11/7
  13. Aleynikova Anna Mihaylovna. Formation and dynamics prilednikovyh landscapes of the Central caucasus - 2008
    Formation and dynamics prilednikovyh landscapes of the Central caucasus: the dissertation... The candidate of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 / Aleynikov Anna Mihajlovna; [a protection Place: Mosk. gos. Un y of M.V.Lomonosova]. - Moscow, 2008. - 175 p.: silt. RSL OD, 61:08-11/2
  14. SHalnev Viktor Aleksandrovich. Evolution of landscapes of the North Caucasus - 2008
    Evolution of landscapes of the North Caucasus: the dissertation... Doctors of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 / Shalnev Victor Aleksandrovich; [a protection Place: GOUVPO "the Stavropol state university"]. - Stavropol, 2008. - 307 p.: 23 silt.
  15. Kirvyàkova Anna Valerevna. Erosion of soils of a southwest part of the Stavropol height and adjoining territories of Prikubansky plain: on materials of distant sounding of the Earth - 2008
    Erosion of soils of a southwest part of the Stavropol height and adjoining territories of Prikubansky plain: on materials of distant sounding of the Earth: the dissertation... The candidate of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 / Kirvjakova Anna Valerevna; [a protection Place: Stavrop. gos. Un y]. - Stavropol, 2008. - 150 p.: Silt. RSL OD, 61:08-11/25
  16. Prohorova Olga Vladimirovna. Biogeographical specificity of a phytovariety of steppe landscapes of the Voronezh area - 2007
    Biogeographical specificity of a phytovariety of steppe landscapes of the Voronezh area: the dissertation... The candidate of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 Voronezh, 2007 261 p., Bibliogr.: p. 119-137 RSL OD, 61:07-11/229
  17. Lepeshkina Liliyà Aleksandrovna. Biogeographical laws of formation of flora of the Voronezh city district - 2007
    Biogeographical laws of formation of flora of the Voronezh city district: the dissertation... The candidate of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 Voronezh, 2007 296 p. Bibliogr.: p. 144-170 RSL OD, 61:07-11/211
  18. Borisov Igor Viktorovich. Geographical bases of preservation and rational use of unique tehnogenno-natural complexes Northern Priladozhja - 2007
    Geographical bases of preservation and rational use of unique tehnogenno-natural complexes Northern Priladozhja: the dissertation... The candidate of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 St.-Petersburg, 2007 178 p. RSL OD, 61:07-11/123
  19. ZHaboev Salih Abdurahmanovich. the Hydrogeochemical characteristic of territories with mapping application on a basis Multidimensional classification procedures - 2007
    The hydrogeochemical characteristic of territories with application of mapping on the basis of multidimensional classification procedures: the dissertation... The candidate of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 Nalchik, 2007 207 p. RSL OD, 61:07-11/162
  20. Isachenkova Lidiyà Borisovna. Change of properties of dernovo-podsolic soils in suktcessionnyh numbers of restoration of shirokolistvenno-coniferous woods - 2007
    Change of properties of dernovo-podsolic soils in suktcessionnyh numbers of restoration of shirokolistvenno-coniferous woods: 25.00.23 Isachenkova, Lydia Borisovna Izmenenie of properties of dernovo-podsolic soils in suktcessionnyh numbers of restoration of shirokolistvenno-coniferous woods (on an example of Southwest Moscow suburbs): the dissertation... The candidate of geographical sciences: 25.00.23 Moscow, 2007 158 p. RSL OD, 61:07-11/105
- A land Hydrology, water resources, hydrochemistry - Building and operation of oil and gas pipelines, bases and storehouses - Cartography - Economic, social and political geography - Engineering geology, frozen ground Knowledge and ground Knowledge - General and regional geology - Geochemistry, geochemical methods of searches of minerals - Geodesy - Geoecology - Geoinformatics - Geology, searches and investigation of combustible minerals - Geology, searches and investigation of firm minerals - Geomechanics, destruction of breeds by explosion, miner aerogasdynamics and mountain thermophysics - Geomorphology and evolutionary geography - Geophysics, geophysical methods of searches of minerals - Geotechnology (underground, opened, building) - Geotectonics and geodynamics - Glaciology and criology the earths - Hydrogeology - Land management, a cadastre and monitoring of the earths - Litology - Meteorology, climatology, agricultural meteorology - Mineralogy, crystallography - Minerals enrichment - Oceanology - Paleontology - Physical geography and biogeography, geography of soils and geochemistry landscape - Physics of atmosphere and hydrosphere - Sciences about the Earth - Space researches of the earth - Technology and technics of prospecting works - Technology of development of sea mineral deposits - Technology of drilling and development of chinks - The mining and oil and gas geology, geophysics and geometry of bowels - Theoretical bases of designing of mining systems - Volcanology - Working out and operation of oil and gas deposits -